Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Short Chat With Pulp's Candida Doyle

KA: Hello Candida! Thanks so much for chatting with me.
KA: You, my dear, are quite the talent! You were with the British Pop group, Pulp for how long?

CD:I joined Pulp in 1982/3 when I was 20! And never left.
KA: You originally got in the band because a brother of yours was in there first, yeah?

CD: My brother and best friend were on bass and drums, I was a Pulp fan and joined when keyboardist Tim Allcard left.
KA: It took you guys quite some time before you achieved any mainstream or even indie success, what was it like in those days pre-"A Different Class"?

CD: The first 10 years were fun but very tough. A lot of driving between Sheffield and London, none of us had any money. In 1993 we signed to Island, got a wage and things picked up from there.

KA: How did things change in later years?

CD: Things changed, we had a crew to carry, pack and set up our 'gear'. Luxury!

KA: How did you manage relationships with men or even with friends and family while recording, gigging, etc?

CD: I missed a lot of family gatherings through Pulp and my relationship with the bass player Pete was difficult cos he left the group and I did not.

KA: What was it like being the only female in a group during long tours? I can't imagine having female issues(cramps, PMS, etc) and only having men in my living space. Hehe.

CD: I definitely missed female company; men converse differently to women.

KA: How did you get into keyboard? Did you start with the piano?

CD: I began piano lessons aged 7/8!

KA: I know you have been open about having been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis as a teenager. What kind of struggles, if any, has that brought to being a musician, or a human being for that matter?

CD: Arthritis bought a lifetime of hidden struggles on a daily basis. But I am over that now.
KA: What is some advice you'd give other people trying to live out their dreams with a chronic condition?

CD: I would advise seeing a therapist to people with a chronic condition because I think 50% of the problem can be mental!
KA: Not much is out on the web about you. I know, I looked! Are you married, children ,etc?

CD: Not married, no kids, very happy with my life! No plans to reform the band!
KA: Have you done any other musical endeavors besides Pulp, either before or after? You joined Jarvis on stage during his solo gigs a few times, right?

CD: I joined Jarv for his first 4 performances of Jarvis. It was fun but temporary. He had to do his own thing!

KA: A lot of musicians struggle with drugs once they get to a certain point in their careers(not all of course) Did you ever get caught up in any substance abuse during your heyday?

CD: I witnessed a lot of substance usage but never indulged. I came close but thought I'd only feel worse later!

KA: Being a female in the music industry, what kinda prejudices did you experience?

CD: I did not experience much prejudice.
KA: Did you feel you got the right amount of recognition? Do you think being in a group where someone who developed the fame that Jarvis Cocker did made things a bit uneven in the band?

CD: I always thought l wasn't filmed enough when we were on TV! !
KA: Pulp reunited in 2011. What was that like touring again, and being back on stage with the guys? Was there ever a doubt that you would agree to gig again?

CD: Reforming was great fun; whilst still occasionally terrifying.

KA: It's been said that Russell Senior struggled with anxieties about touring, did you have any anxiety, or other emotional struggles?

CD: In 1996 mid June l did freak out on tour and began having panic attacks. That put an end to my enjoyment of it all.

KA: What is in your bag? What do you always have with you?

CD: I always have keys, lipstick, a pen and visa card and change in my bag/pocket.

KA: Thanks so much for taking the time to speak to me. Your music has made me the person I am.

CD: Thanks for your compliments! Sorry if my answers are a bit dry, l hate typing and get lazy about giving details! x

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